Several users complain about occurring of an unknown software exception 0xc06d007e error which causes third-party application interference and system corruption. The error interrupts with several files on the system and prevents users from accessing the files. The occurrence of this error has been confirmed on Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 versions. There are several reasons responsible for its occurrence and can be fixed by applying some of the best methods listed below in this article.

By Running Windows Update Troubleshooter

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Certain platforms do not allow you to attach or send files that exceed a certain size. If you are using such a platform, then you may want to check if the image you want to upload is suitable or not. iPhone users can easily check the file size of pictures. Here’s how.

Through Photo Investigator Application

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Snapchat is a great and popular platform to take snaps with different types of effects, filters, and emojis, etc. Also, you can add your friends on it and share videos, snaps and make a call, but how can you know who added you on their friend list on Snapchat? So, here are some methods to find out who added you on Snapchat.

Check Friend Requests

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Racing games come in a huge variety for speed lovers. The throttle, speed, gear, and graphics are what make racing games so exciting. So, if you are one of the speed junkies out there, then you have come to the right place. Here I have shortlisted the best racing apps for speed lovers.

1. Asphalt 8: Airborne

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Keeping yourself on track and following a daily schedule is quite difficult for the majority of people. Distractions around us keep pushing us to go off track. Ever growing to-do lists and tasks keep piling up, and we often get frustrated and flustered because of it. Here’s a bunch of life organizing apps to assist you.

1. Cortana

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While traveling to a foreign place, there are a lot of things that you might find it hard to read. It includes menus, street signs, pamphlets, and newspapers. Though, you get the option to option to enter each word in the Google Translate for translating or directly place the camera of your phone on the words. Its new update adds around  60 new languages, and you can convert approximately 88 styles wherever you want. The update also allows users to fetch the current language being translated, which is great if you encounter more than one language at the same time.

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We all know that the iPod touch is a very cool device for Releasing your stress. You can listen to a lot of songs, watch YouTube videos, browsing, capture the moments and more than 250000 application you can download but do you know how to put music on an iPod Touch. Here are the steps to transfer music on an iPod touch with the help of iTunes.

On iTunes Store Application

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Facebook is an excellent platform to share your photos, status, videos, and even your mood. However, often we end up uploading too many pictures and it becomes hard to find the one we need. To organize your pictures, you can create albums. Here are the steps are given below

Create a New Album

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Instagram, a popular social media platform, was purchased by Facebook a while ago. In order to avoid confusion, you can pair your Instagram account to Facebook. The process is very simple and does not take much time. Let’s check out the step by step process.

Linking Instagram to Facebook

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Do you want to remove some pictures from your Instagram but do not have access to a Smartphone? Do not worry as you can delete Instagram pictures from your desktop. Here’s how:

Through Bluestacks App

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