
Several users complain about occurring of an unknown software exception 0xc06d007e error which causes third-party application interference and system corruption. The error interrupts with several files on the system and prevents users from accessing the files. The occurrence of this error has been confirmed on Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 versions. There are several reasons responsible for its occurrence and can be fixed by applying some of the best methods listed below in this article.

By Running Windows Update Troubleshooter

Most of the users are aware of the Windows Update Troubleshooter but few of them know it can resolve this unknown software exception too. Chances are you are dealing with corrupted WU function and it is the reason you are facing issue in updating the version of Windows. If it’s the case, follow the steps listed below to resolve this issue:

1.     Press Windows Key + R to open up the Run Dialog Box.

2.     Type ‘ms-settings: troubleshoot’ in it and press Enter to open the troubleshoot window from settings.

3.     Find ‘Get up and Running Tab’ from the appeared window.

4.     Click on the Windows Update option and click on Run the Troubleshooter to resolve the issue.

Remove Third-Party Antivirus

Several users managed to resolve the issue by uninstalling the third-party antivirus on their computer. Third-party security scanners are mostly incapable of removing such errors from the system. Third-party antivirus software only triggers the error and does not fix it on your computer or laptop. It’s best to uninstall that third-party security scanner by following the steps listed below:

1.     Press Windows Key + R to open up the Run Dialog Box.

2.     Type ‘appwiz.cpl’ and press Enter to open up the Programs & Features from the menu.

3.     Locate the software.

4.     Right-click on it and select uninstall from the newly appeared options.

5.     Restart the PC and you are good to go.

Run SFC & DISM Scans

SFC & DISM Scans are one of the built-in utilities on your PC that could resolve this unknown software exception error you are facing. Most of the users are not aware of these utilities and to run those SFC and DISM scans, follows the steps below:

1.     Press Windows + R to open up the Run Dialog box and type ‘cmd’ with press Ctrl + Shift + enter to open up the elevated command prompt.

2.     Click on Yes to grant admin access to the new window.

3.     Type ‘ sfc /scannow to start the scan.

4.     Again press Windows key + R to open up the Run Dialog box and type ‘DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth to run the DISM scan. 5.     Restart the PC after the scan is finished and the issue must be resolved.

Graccey Leio is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cybersecurity, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. She  writes for Norton security products at

Source : How To Resolve (0xc06d007e) Unknown Software Exception Issue



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